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9 posts tagged with "ASP-NET-CORE"

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· 10 min read
Serhii Korzh
Oleksandr Melnychenko


Suppose you work on ASP.NET Core web application that solves some business-related tasks. You know, a few forms where users enter their data and get some reports. Although such a project may not require any complex logic on the client, you still probably need to write some JavaScript code to make user interaction with your application more convenient and enjoyable. For example, you may need a simple prompt popup on item deletion since it's not quite right to use a separate page for that. Or, you want to do client-side validation. Or ... it really can be any other client-side task, you name it.

· 4 min read
Serhii Korzh
Oleksandr Melnychenko


There are many ways to create a web application today. We have a lot of different platforms, frameworks, and libraries: PHP, Python, Java, NodeJS, and a dozen of others.

While ASP.NET (Core) was always a good choice for developing enterprise-level web applications (with many complex web pages, some Web API endpoints, static resources, etc.), it's never been the best choice for creating a small web service with just a few endpoints to handle REST API requests in JSON or plain text formats.

Well, that was true until .NET 5 was released last year. With support for top-level statements and new features in C# language, .NET 5 allows us to create a solid web service in just a few minutes and with a single code file.

· 8 min read
Serhii Korzh
Oleksandr Melnychenko

Implementing CRUD operations in your ASP.NET Core application can be a very tedious and time-consuming task. EasyData helps to add all necessary functionality (and even more) in a matter of minutes.


One of the first tasks for most business applications is to implement CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for the main entities the app works with.

Every developer faces the following problems as part of solving the task:

  • The creation of CRUD pages and forms is very boring and time-consuming. Believe me, I’ve been there a lot of times.

  • If you do it manually, it can be very slow and error-prone (missed fields, forgotten validators, etc).

  • Of course, you can use the scaffolding tool provided by Visual Studio. However, it’s also not a quick process either, because you need to run that tool for each model class. As a result, you get many .cs and .cshtml files, which you'll have to edit manually if something in the default behavior or appearance doesn't suit your needs. In the event of changes in the model classes, you'll need to update those generated controllers and pages manually or regenerate the code and forms from scratch for each affected model class.

  • Moreover, even the built-in scaffolding doesn't provide some important, often essential functions such as paging or search.

· 11 min read
Serhii Korzh
Oleksandr Melnychenko

This is the second part of the article, where we take apart the default ASP.NET Core solution template piece by piece and try to explain the purpose of each part and how exactly it works. You can consider it as a reference where you can check why a particular part was added to your project and find a link to the relevant documentation that explains it in detail.

Startup class

As we already mentioned in the first article, the Startup class is the entry point for all initialization codes in your application. Long story short, the Startup defines what your application will do and how exactly it will work.

· 7 min read
Serhii Korzh
Oleksandr Melnychenko


This is a second edition of the [previous post on the same topic]({{ 'ancid01' | internal_path }}). The reason why I wrote this one is because of some drastic changes made in ASP.NET Core Authentication system from version 2.0 to version 2.2 - so most of the code presented in the first article doesn't work with the new version.

So, the code in the following articles was built for and tested with ASP.NET Core 2.2. The main concept, however, is still the same and were not changed since ASP.NET Identity 2.0 (I guess).

As in the previous case, we will start with a description of the problem.

· 2 min read
Serhii Korzh
Oleksandr Melnychenko

This is a third part of the series of articles about some not-so-well-known features and tricks in ASP.NET Identity. Here are you can find the [first]({{ 'ancid05' | internal_path }}) and the [second]({{ 'ancid02' | internal_path }}) parts.


This task usually appears when you need to transfer your old MVC web application to ASP.NET Core. If you use MVC version 3 or 4 and your application provides a user authentication service, then most likely this part is done with the old ASP.NET Membership library.

So, imagine you have a bunch of users, each of them has some password and the hash of that password stored in some database. Now you need to transfer all your current users to the new system built with ASP.NET Core. Of course, it's not a big problem to transfer their names, addresses, and other information. The problem is in those password hashes. ASP.NET Core Identity uses another hashing algorithm so all current users will not be able to access the system with their old passwords - the hashes will not match.

· 3 min read
Serhii Korzh
Oleksandr Melnychenko

This is the second article in a series of articles about ASP.NET Core Identity. You can find the first one [here]({{ 'ancid05' | internal_path }}).


Let's suppose you created a new ASP.NET Core with the default Authentication (like in [previous article]({{ 'blog~__rt-md5b505xps82~_aspnet-identity-store-user-data-in-claims' | internal_path }})). Then you run it and try to register a new user. On the registration form, we need to enter a password. Since we need to register a user for testing purposes first of all - we don't want to make the password too complicated. We'd prefer to keep it simple and easy-to-remember (in the end - it's not a production-mode system!)

However, if you try to enter something simple like "qwerty" or your name - you will get the following bunch of error messages:

  • Passwords must have at least one non-alphanumeric character.
  • Passwords must have at least one digit ('0'-'9').
  • Passwords must have at least one uppercase ('A'-'Z').

The reason for all these validation errors is that by default ASP.NET Core Identity has very strong password policies for the users. In the error messages above you can see the constraints which must be satisfied.

· 5 min read
Serhii Korzh
Oleksandr Melnychenko

NB: The solution presented in this article will work in version 2.0 of ASP.NET Core only!
If you use a newer version of ASP.NET Core (e.g. 2.2) - here is a [new post on the same topic]({{ 'ancid05' | internal_path}}).


With this post, we start a series of articles that describe the different aspects of using ASP.NET Identity in your ASP.NET (Core) applications. All the code in the following articles was built for and tested with ASP.NET Core 2.0. However, in most cases, it will work well in earlier versions of .NET framework (4.x) and ASP.NET Identity library (2.x)

One more note. We are NOT going to do an introduction to or describe the basic principles of ASP.NET Core in general or APS.NET Identity in particular. The following material is more for the developers who already have some experience with both of them. If you don't - please start by reading the tutorials on ASP.NET Core documentation website and creating your first web app with it.