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AggregatesContainer class

AggregatesContainerBuilder class

AggrGroupKey class

AggrKeyBuilder class

AggrLevelData class

ChunkSettings class

Defines the parameters of one chunk of data requested from the client

CustomValueListResolver class

Class CustomValueListResolver. Implements the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IValueListResolver

DataFetchMeta class

Defines some meta data of the executed query.

DbConnectionModelLoader class

Represents a IModelLoader implementation which allows to load the model directly from a connection (using DB meta data)

DbContextModelLoader class

Represents a IModelLoader implementation which allows to load the model from a DbContext object. Implements the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IModelLoader

DbContextModelLoader<T> class

Represents a IModelLoader implementation which allows to load the model from a DbContext object. Implements the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IModelLoader

DefaultEqAuthProvider class

The default implementation of the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IEqAuthProvider interface. Contains several methods which allow to mark some EasyQuery actions as "anonymous" (so they can be accessed by any user) and to restrict the access to them depening on user role.

EasyDbResultSet class

The result set.

EasyObjectResultSet class

Initializes a new instance of the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EasyObjectResultSet class.

EasyQueryManager class

Provides basic functionality for managing different EasyQuery operations and to process the AJAX requests from EasyQuery JavaScript widgets. This class is abstract and it implements only the most common features. The descendants of this class provides more concrete implementation of the model loading and query generation

EasyQueryManagerException class

Represents errors that occur during EasyQueryManager's work. Implements the System.Exception

EasyQueryManagerLinq<T> class

Represents an implementation of Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EasyQueryManager which loads the model from some type and generates LINQ queries.

EasyQueryManagerSql class

Represents an implementation of Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EasyQueryManager which generates SQL queries and can work with some relational DB directly.

EasyQueryOptions class

Contains various options used in EasyQueryMiddleware, EasyQueryManager and other classes.

EasyQueryOptionsExtensionsEf class

Contains several extension methods for EasyQueryOptions which allow to tune up the EasyQuery manager and middleware in case of using them with EntityFramework 6.x

EasyQueryOptionsExtensionsEfCore class

Contains several extension methods for EasyQueryOptions which allow to tune up the EasyQuery manager and middleware in case of using them with EntityFrameworkCore

EasyQueryOptionsExtensionsEfCoreIdentity class

Contains several extension methods for EasyQueryOptions which allow to tune up the EasyQuery manager and middleware in case of using them with EntityFrameworkCore and ASP.NET Core Identity

EasyQueryOptionsExtensionsLinq class

Contains several extension methods for EasyQueryOptions which allow to tune up the EasyQuery manager and middleware in case of using it for LINQ queries genereation

EasyQueryOptionsExtentionsAuth class

Contains several extension methods which simplifies the registration of the default authorithation provider for EasyQuery actions.

EasyQueryOptionsExtentionsDb class

Contains several extension methods for EasyQueryOptions which allows to tune up the EasyQuery manager and middleware.

EasyResultSet class

Indicates whether the data filling process has started already.

EdmxFileModelLoader class

Represents a IModelLoader implementation which allows to load the model from an EDMX file Implements the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IModelLoader.

EmptyServiceProvider class

Implements DI Service provider that contains no element. This class is used in ASP.NET 4 projects

EntityTypeModelLoader<T> class

An implementation of Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IModelLoader which loads the model from some type.

EntityTypeModelLoaderOptions class

Represents different options for Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EntityTypeModelLoader`1 class

EqAction class

Defines the constant strings for all possible actions

EqResultSetError class

Represents the error that occurs during the filling of the result set object.

EqResultSetExtensions class

Creates the column.

EqSessionCachingService class

Represents an implemenation of Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IEqCachingService which uses Session for storing cached objects.

EqTrivialAuthProvider class

Represents a trivial implementation of Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IEqAuthProvider which authorize any user for any action

ExportAggrContainer class

ExportAggrLevelData class

ExportExtensions class

FileModelLoader class

Represents a IModelLoader implemenation which allows to load data model definitions (either XML or JSON) from the file system. Implements the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IModelLoader

FileModelLoaderSettings class

Represents the settings for Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.FileModelLoader

FileQueryStore class

Represents the implementation of IQueryStore which store queries on the file system. Implements the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IQueryStore

FileQueryStoreSettings class

Represents the settings for Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.FileQueryStore

IAggregatesContainerBuilder interface

IDataExportTuner interface

Defines the interaces for "data export tuner" classes

IDbResultSet interface

Represents an extension of IEqResultSet interface which also contains a function for creating a row. Implements the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IEqResultSet

IEasyQueryConfigurator interface

Defines the configurator type - a class that contains Configure(options) method that allows to set up all settings of EasyQuery middleware or controller. It's useful when we need to define the same set of options for 2 (or more) different points in app (e.g. for the middleware and for the background task that performs data export)

IEasyQueryManagerResolver interface

Interface IEasyQueryManagerResolver Contains only one function: GetManager which returns an instance of EasyQueryManagerBase descendant (like EasyQueryManagerSql or EasyQueryManagerLinq) by DI services and options (an instance of Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.EasyQueryOptions object)

IEasyQueryManagerTuner interface

Defines the interaces for "manager tuner" classes

IEqAuthProvider interface

Defines the functions necessary to check the authorization status of the current user over EasyQuery actions

IEqCachingService interface

Represents a general caching service

IEqResultSet interface

Represents a type used to store the result set of the query execution.

IModelLoader interface

Represents a type used to perform model loading.

IObjectResultSet interface

IPagedList<T> interface

Implements both IPaging and System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable interfaces. It's used to return paged list of objects.

IPaging interface

Represents basic pagination parameters

IQueryStore interface

Defines the basic operations of a query store.

IValueListResolver interface

Represents a type used to get the list of values by some "list" value editor.

ListItem class

Represents one item in lists returned as response for GetValueList request

ListItemComparer class

Represents the comparer for two ListItem objects Implements the System.Collections.Generic.IComparer'1

ListRequestOptions class

Represents different options specified in GetList AJAX request

LookupValueListResolver class

Represents a special case of IValueListResolver which returns the list of values for the lookup fields. Implements the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IValueListResolver

ModelLoaderException class

Represents errors that occur during the model loading. Implements the System.Exception

ModelNotFoundException class

Represents errors that occur during EasyQueryManager's work when data model is not found. Implements the System.Exception

PagedList<T> class

Default implementation of IPagedList interface

QueryListItem class

Represents one item in the list of queries (usually returned for GetQueries request)

QueryNotFoundException class

Represents errors that occur during EasyQueryManager's work when query is not found. Implements the System.Exception

QueryStorageException class

Represents the error that occurs during the execution of some query storage operation. Implements the System.Exception

ResultSetOptions class

Represents some options used on fetching data and result set filling.

SqlValueListResolver class

Represents a value editor which returns the list of values retrieved from a database with some SQL SELECT statement. Implements the Korzh.EasyQuery.Services.IValueListResolver

SqlValueListResolverException class

Represents errors that might occur during SqlValueListResolver's work. Implements the System.Exception