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Defines some extensions which unify meta-data functions used in EF Core 3 and higher

public static class Korzh.EasyQuery.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityFrameworkCore3PlusExtensions

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.EntityFrameworkCore.Relational.dll

Static Methods

GetDbColumnName(this IProperty property)stringGets the column name for the specified IProperty.
GetDbDefaultSchema(this IModel model)stringGets the default schema for the specified IModel
GetDbDiscriminatorProperty(this IEntityType entityType)IPropertyReturns the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IProperty that will be used for storing a discriminator value.
GetDbDiscriminatorValue(this IEntityType entityType)objectReturns the discriminator value for this entity type.
GetDbSchema(this IEntityType entityType)stringGets the schema name for the specified IEntityType
GetDbTableName(this IEntityType entityType)stringGets the table name for the specified IEntityType.