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Builds Linq expressions

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.Linq.LinqQueryBuilder
: IQueryBuilder

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.Linq.dll


LinqQueryBuilder(Query query)voidThis constructor overload allows only Build generic method to be used in building queries because no context is specified and required for it
LinqQueryBuilder(object context, Query query)voidThis constructor overload allows only Build generic method to be used in building queries because no context is specified and required for it


CanBuildboolDetermines whether there is enough information to build the query
OptionsQueryBuilderOptionsGets or sets the builder's options.
QueryQueryGets the query this builder is defined for
ResultLinqStatementGets the result object
SelectDistinctboolGets or sets a value indicating whether the result set must not contain duplicates.
SkipintGets or sets the number of items that will be skipped from result set.
StatementTypeTypeType of result set
TakeintGets or sets the number of items that will be taken from result set.


Build()boolBuilds the query.
Build()BuilderResult<T>Builds the query.
BuildIEnumerable(object context)IEnumerableBuilds IEnumerable expression for use in Linq2Objects scenarios, in other cases consider using Build() method for building IQueryable expression
ToString()stringReturns a System.String that represents this instance.