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Contains different extension functions for loading data model from types.

public static class Korzh.EasyQuery.Linq.ModelLinqExtensions

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.Linq.dll

Static Methods

AddUpdateLinqOperator(this [DataModel](/korzh-easyquery-namespace/datamodel-class) model, `string` id, `string` caption, `string` format, `Func`<`Expression`, `IEnumerable`<`Expression`>, `Expression`> linqExprResolver, [DataKind](/korzh-easyquery-namespace/datakind-enum) kind = 0, [OperatorGroup](/korzh-easyquery-namespace/operatorgroup-class) group = null)LinqOperator
LoadFromContextType(this DataModel model, Type context)voidLoads model from some context class. All IEnumerable properties of this class will be represented as entities in result model. All primitive type properties of generic type parameter class for each such IEnumerable will be added as attributes of corresponding entity.
LoadFromContextType(this DataModel model, Type context, ContextLoadingOptions loadingOptions)voidLoads model from some context class. All IEnumerable properties of this class will be represented as entities in result model. All primitive type properties of generic type parameter class for each such IEnumerable will be added as attributes of corresponding entity.
LoadFromEntityType(this DataModel model, Type type)voidLoads model from some type (class). All properties of this class with primitive types will be added as attributes of the root entity. All complex type properties - as sub-entities and so on recursively .
LoadFromEntityType(this DataModel model, Type type, ContextLoadingOptions loadingOptions)voidLoads model from some type (class). All properties of this class with primitive types will be added as attributes of the root entity. All complex type properties - as sub-entities and so on recursively .