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Represents different types of modifications in query columns panel available for users.

public enum Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanelEditMode
: Enum

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.dll


All0All possible modifications (add, delete and change columns)
FixedList1Columns list is fixed - so user can change existing columns but can not add or delete them
FixedColumns2User can not add\remove columns and change the attribute the column linked to
FixedColumnsDontMove3User can not add\remove\move columns and change the attribute the column linked to
SortingOnly4User can modify only the order and sorting of columns. All other parts of query columns panel are fixed.
OrderOnly5User can modify only the order of columns. All other parts of query columns panel are fixed.
None6None of modifications are possible. Query Columns Panel is "read-only" in this mode.