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The class for panel that works with Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnRow. Allows to define Query.Result.Columns sorting rules.

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.SortingPanel
: ColumnsPanel

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.dll


SortingPanel()voidInitializes a new instance of the Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.SortingPanel class.


AllowAddRowboolGets or sets the ability to add sorted columns independently of Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.
AllowAggrColumnsboolGets or sets the ability to create the columns with aggregation functions.
AllowEditCaptionsboolGets or sets the ability to show column captions in the control.
AllowSortingboolGets or sets the ability to change the sort order of columns.
EditModeColumnsPanelEditModeGets or sets the value of panel's edit mode.
SortEditModeSortingPanel.SortEditModeKindGets or sets the value of panel's edit mode.


AddRowByColumn(QueryColumn column)voidAdds the new row by .
ApplyFormats()voidApplies the formats used in panel to all rows.
Clear()voidRemoves all rows
ColumnsChangedHandler(object sender, QueryColumnsChangeEventArgs e)voidCalled when Query.Result.Columns has been changed.
CoreAddSimpleColumn(EntityAttr attr)voidAdds the simple column.
CreateAppearance()XPanel.XViewOptionsOverrides the Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.XPanel.CreateAppearance method.
DoAction(object sender, string actionName, object data)voidOverrides Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.DoAction(System.Object,System.String,System.Object).
DoMoveRow(int idx, bool up)voidOverrides the method for Ctrl+Arrow signal processing.
EntityAttributeFits(EntityAttr attr)boolReturns true if the entity attribute passed in the parameter can be used in (fits to) this panel.
EntityFits(Entity ent)boolReturns true if the entity passed in the parameter can be used in (fits to) this panel.
MoveRow(int index1, int index2)voidMoves row to specified position
RefreshByColumns()voidFully refreshes the panel on the base of Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.Columns.
SortOrderChangedHander(object sender, SortOrderChangedEventArgs e)voidOverrides Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ColumnsPanel.SortOrderChangedHander(System.Object,Korzh.EasyQuery.SortOrderChangedEventArgs).