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Represents the main form of Data Model Editor

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ModelEditor.ModelEditorForm
: Form

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.WinForms.ModelEditor.dll


ModelEditorForm()voidInitializes a new instance of the ModelEditorForm class.


DatabaseGateDbGateGets the database gate.
IsRenderingboolGets a value indicating whether the dialog is in rendering mode.
MainPanelControlGets the main panel of ModelEditor form.
ModelDbModelGets the model.
ModelChangedboolGets or sets a value indicating whether the model have been changed.
ModelDbParametersDictionary<string, DbParameters>
RunNewModelWizardOnStartboolGets or sets a value indicating whether we should run new model wizard on start.
WorkFolderstringGets or sets the working folder.


AddDataAttr()voidAdds new data attribute into entity tree
AddEntity(TreeNode parentNode)voidAdds new entity object into entity tree
AddEntityNode(Entity entity, TreeNodeCollection parentNodes)voidAdds the node associated with some Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel.Entity object.
AddLinkByLinkInfo(DbLinkInfo linkInfo)voidAdds the link by Korzh.EasyQuery.Db.DbLinkInfo object.
AddVirtualAttr()voidAdds new virtual attribute into entity tree
ApplyLoginRequestHandler(LoginRequestEventHandler handler)void
AutoAddLinks()voidAutomatically adds the links by information from database.
AutoGenerateLinks()voidAutomatically generates the links.
ChangeValueEditorType(ValueEditor currentEditor, ValueEditor newEditor)boolChanges the type of the value editor.
CheckIfModelSaved()boolChecks whether all changes in model were saved or not. If not - brings up a message box to confirm saving.
CoreRenderModel()voidRenders the model (protected virtual method)
DeleteSelectedEntityObj()voidDeletes the selected entity object
Dispose(bool disposing)voidClean up any resources being used.
EndRendering()voidCloses the rendering operation. Each StartRendering call must be closed by EndRendering.
FillDataAttrByFieldInfo(EntityAttr attr, DbFieldInfo fieldInfo)void
GetSelectedAttr()DbEntityAttrGets the selected attribute.
LaunchAddTablesDlg()boolLaunches Add Tables dialog
LoadConfig(ConfigSettings config)void
LoadModelFromFile(string modelFilePath)voidLoads model from file.
LoadModelFromString(string modelXml)voidLoads model from XML string.
ModelPostLoading()voidPerforms some tuning after model loading.
ModelPreLoading()boolPerforms some tuning after model loading.
MountDbGate()voidMounts the db gate.
NewModelWizard()voidStarts the process of new model creation.
RenderEntity(Entity entity)voidRenders dialog controls associated with some Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel.Entity object
RenderEntityAttr(DbEntityAttr attr)voidRenders dialog controls associated with some Korzh.EasyQuery.DbEntityAttr object
RenderEntityNode(TreeNode node)voidRenders the tree node associated with some Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel.Entity object
RenderModel()voidRenders the model.
RenderOperand(Operand opnd)voidRenders the operand.
RenderOperands(Operator op)voidRenders the operands for specified operator
RenderOperatorProps(Operator op)voidRenders dialog controls associated with the properties of some operator
RenderSelectedOperator()voidRenders dialog controls associated with the properties of currently selected operator
RenderSelectedTable()voidRenders dialog controls associated with the properties of currently selected table
RenderTableProps(Table table)voidRenders dialog controls associated with the properties of some table
SaveConfig(ConfigSettings config)void
SaveCurrentEntityObj()voidSaves the state of entity or entity attribute (depeding on what selected currently)
SaveCurrentOperand()voidSaves the current operand.
SaveEntity(Entity entity)voidSave the current state of dialog controls into associated Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel.Entity object
SaveEntityAttr(DbEntityAttr attr)voidf Save the current state of dialog controls into associated Korzh.EasyQuery.DbEntityAttr object
SaveModelAs()voidShows the "Save File" dialog and saves the model to chosen file.
SaveModelChanges()voidSaves all latest model changes made by UI.
SaveModelToFile(string modelFilePath, ModelFormatIndex formatIndex)voidSaves the model.
SaveOperatorProps(Operator op)voidSave the current state of dialog controls into associated Korzh.EasyQuery.DataModel.Operator object
SaveTableProps(Table table)voidSave the current state of dialog controls into associated Korzh.EasyQuery.Table object
ShowEQBConnection(DbModel model, DbGate gate)boolShows the EQB connection.
ShowValueEditorPropsDlg(ValueEditor valueEditor)boolShows the dialog which allow to edit value editor properties.
StartRendering()voidSets internal "IsRendering" attribute Call this method to avoid useless operations while the properties of some model object (e.g. an operator) are rendered