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Represents one operand in some operator's expression

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.Operand

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.dll


Operand(DataModel model, DataType dataType, DataKind kind, ValueEditor editor)voidInitializes a new instance of the Korzh.EasyQuery.Operand class.
Operand(Operand source)voidInitializes a new instance of the Korzh.EasyQuery.Operand class.
Operand(DataModel model)voidInitializes a new instance of the Korzh.EasyQuery.Operand class.


DataTypeDataTypeGets or sets the type of the data.
DefaultTextstringGets the text for default operand value.
DefaultValuestringGets or sets the default value for this operand.
EditorValueEditorGets or sets the value editor associated with this operand. If there is no such editor in the model, it will be added on Set.
KindDataKindGets or sets the kind of operand (scalar, list, etc)
ModelDataModelGets or sets the model.
NamestringGets or sets the name of operand.


ReadFromJsonAsync(JsonReader reader, CancellationToken ct = null)TaskReads all operand's properties from JSON (asynchronous way).
SetEditorWithoutChecking(ValueEditor editor)voidSets editor without adding it to model.
ToString()stringReturns a System.String that represents this instance.
WriteToJsonAsync(JsonWriter writer, CancellationToken ct = null)TaskWrites operand's content to JSON (asynchronous way).