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Represents aggregate function

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.AggrFunction

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.dll


AppliedToDataType[]Gets or sets the list of types this function can be applied to.
CaptionstringGets or sets the caption of aggregate function.
DisplayFormatstringGets or sets the display format of aggregate function.
EnabledboolGets or sets a value indicating whether this Korzh.EasyQuery.AggrFunction is enabled.
IdstringGets the function ID (e.g. SUM or COUNT DISTINCT)
IsDefaultboolGets a value indicating whether this function is default.
MainTextstringGets the main part of function's DisplayFormat (this text will be shown as link in query columns panel)
ParamCountintGets the number of parameters which are taken by the aggregate function.
SqlExprstringGets the function expression used in SQL expressions (e.g. SUM({arg}) or COUNT(DISTINCT {arg}) )