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Represents list of result columns.

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.QueryColumnStore
: QueryColumnList

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.dll


QueryColumnStore(Query query, bool justSorting)voidInitializes a new instance of the Korzh.EasyQuery.QueryColumnStore class.


parentQueryQueryThe reference to parent Query object


IsJustSortingboolGets a value indicating whether this instance of the column store is used for "just sorting" columns.
IsUpdatingboolGets a value indicating whether this Korzh.EasyQuery.QueryColumnList is updating.
ModelDataModelGets the DataModel object associated with this list
ParentQueryQueryGets the parent query.
SortedColumnsSortedColumnListGets the list of sorted columns.


ColumnsChangedColumnsChangedEventHandlerOccurs after column list has been changed.
ColumnsChangingColumnsChangingEventHandlerOccurs when columns list is going to be changed.


BeginUpdate()voidTurns on the "updating" state. Any changes occured during this state will not initiate Korzh.EasyQuery.QueryColumnStore.ColumnsChanged event until Korzh.EasyQuery.QueryColumnStore.EndUpdate is called.
ClearItems()voidRemoves all elements from the System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection'1.
CoreRefreshParams()voidRefreshes the list of query parameters by parameters associated with attributes used in query columns .
EndUpdate()voidTurns the "updating" state off.
InsertItem(int index, QueryColumn item)voidInserts an element into the System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection'1 at the specified index.
IsColumnsChangeAccepted(ChangeType what, QueryColumn column, int info)boolCalls ColumnsChanging event and return boolean value that indicates whether the change is accepted.
LoadFromXmlReader(XmlReader reader)voidLoads the column list using System.Xml.XmlReader object.
Move(int index, int newIndex)voidMoves the specified index of the current.
ReadFromJsonAsync(JsonReader reader, CancellationToken ct = null)TaskLoads the column list using Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader object (asynchronous way).
RemoveItem(int index)voidRemoves the element at the specified index of the System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection'1.
ResyncSortingList(bool changeInnerIndex)voidResynchronizes the sorting list of columns correspondingly to their order.
SaveToXmlWriter(XmlWriter writer, string tagName)voidSaves the column list to XML.
WriteToJsonAsync(JsonWriter writer, CancellationToken ct = null)TaskSaves the column list using Newtonsoft.Json.JsonWriter object (asynchronous way).