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Represents an expression which is a result of applying some functions to other expressions

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.AggrFuncExpr
: EqExpression

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.dll


AggrFuncExpr(DataModel model, string funcId, EqExpression argExpr)voidInitializes a new instance of the Korzh.EasyQuery.AggrFuncExpr class.


_functionAggrFunctionThe function of Korzh.EasyQuery.AggrFuncExpr


ArgumentEqExpressionGets or sets the main argument.
AttributeEntityAttrGets or sets the attribute.
CustomFuncstringGets the custom func for expression if defined
DataTypeDataTypeGets or sets the data type.
FunctionAggrFunctionGets or sets the function.
IsAggregateboolgets a value indicating whether this expression is aggregate.
IsDistinctboolGets or sets a value indicating whether this AggrFuncExpr has "DISTINCT" attribute.
TagintGet the expression's tag - a special identifier that is used to distinguish the type of the expression .
TextstringGets the expression text.
ValuestringGets or sets the expression value.


AssignExpr(EqExpression expr)voidAssigns some expression to this one. For AggrFuncExpr class this method assigns the Expression object passed in parameter to Argument property
LoadFromXmlReader(XmlReader reader)voidLoads expression from XML.
ReadOnePropFromJsonAsync(JsonReader reader, string propName, CancellationToken ct)TaskReads one property from JSON (asynchronous way).
SaveToXmlWriter(XmlWriter writer, string tagName)voidSaves expression to XML writer.
SetContentSilent(string val, string txt)voidSets the content of the expression silently (without calling ContentChanged event).
WritePropertiesToJsonAsync(JsonWriter writer, CancellationToken ct)TaskWrites one property to JSON (asynchronous way).