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Manages texts for all EasyQuery Controls visual objects

public static class Korzh.EasyQuery.TextResources

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.dll

Static Methods

Get(string code)stringGets a resource string by its code.
GetTexts(string storageID = null)TextStorageGets current Korzh.Utils.TextStorage object that contains textual resources for this assembly.
LoadFromFile(string path, TextStorage storage = null)voidLoads the resources from .properties file into the default TextStorage object
LoadFromFileForCulture(string baseFileName, CultureInfo cultureInfo = null, string fileExt = properties)voidLoads the resources from .properties file into the default TextStorage object. The name of the .properties file is based on the culture for current thread.
LoadFromResources(ResourceManager resManager)voidLoads texts from resources into the default TextStorage.
LoadFromStream(Stream stream)voidLoads resources from a stream into the default TextStorage object
Put(string code, string value)voidSets the value of resource string by its code.
ReloadNativeResources(string storageId = null)voidReloads the resources for specified storage ID. If the ID is not indicated - load the resource for default TextStorage object