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Represents a logical expression or "predicate". For example: "less than", "is equal to", "starts with".

public class Korzh.EasyQuery.Operator

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.dll


AppliedTypesDataTypeListGets the list of applied types for this operator.
CaptionstringGets or sets the operator caption.
CaseInsensitiveboolGets or sets a value indicating whether the operator is case insensative.
ConstValueFormatstringGets or sets the format of constant values. This property is used to process LIKE and similar operators
DefaultOperandOperandGets the defaults settings of operator operands.
DisplayFormatstringGets or sets the display format of operator.
ExprstringGets or sets the operator expression.
GroupOperatorGroupGets or sets the group which this operator belongs to.
IdstringGets or sets the operator ID.
IsConditionboolGets or sets a value indicating whether this operator instance represents custom condition.
IsRangeboolGets or sets a value indicating whether this operator requires range values so first value must be less than the second one.
MainTextstringGets the main part of operator's DisplayFormat (this text will be shown as link in query panel)
MathSymbolstringGets the math symbol that represents this operator.
ModelDataModelGets or sets the model.
OperandsOperandListGets the operands for this operator.
ParamCountintGets the number of parameters which are taken by the operator.


CalcParamCount()voidCalculates the count of the parameters.
GetOperand(int operandIndex)OperandGets the operand of current operator by its index.
ReadFromJsonAsync(JsonReader reader, CancellationToken ct = null)TaskReads operator's content from the JSON (asynchronous way).
ToString()stringReturns a that represents the current .
WriteToJsonAsync(JsonWriter writer, CancellationToken ct = null)TaskWrites operator's content to JSON (asynchronous way).