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Represents some predefined "special" date/time values

public enum Korzh.EasyQuery.SpecialDateTime
: Enum

Assembly: Korzh.EasyQuery.dll


Today0Represents the current date
Yesterday1Represents the yesterday date
Tomorrow2Represents the tomorrow date
FirstDayOfWeek3Represents the first day of the current week
FirstDayOfNextWeek4Represents the first day of the next week
FirstDayOfPrevWeek5Represents the first day of the previous week
FirstDayOfMonth6Represents the first day of the current month
FirstDayOfPrevMonth7Represents the first day of the previous month
FirstDayOfNextMonth8Represents the first day of the next month
LastDayOfMonth9Represents the last day of the current month
FirstDayOfYear10Represents the first day of the current year
FirstDayOfNextYear11Represents the first day of the next year
FirstDayOfPrevYear12Represents the first day of the last year
Now13Represents the current time
HourStart14Represents zero minute and second of the current hour
Midnight15Represents the midnight of the current day
Noon16Represents the noon of the current day